Together with the other members of the European Alliance of SMC BMC, AOC has been inviting students and young designers to participate in the SMC BMC Design Award 2017. Last month the Jury of the SMC BMC Design Award 2017 selected the three finalists. The first price of 10,000 € will be handed to the winning design team at a special Award ceremony during the Composite Europe show in Stuttgart (20 September 2017).
The SMC BMC Design Award 2017 is to promote the use of SMC BMC material systems and to demonstrate the positive contributions they bring to end-users and the environment. This year’s edition of the design competition was focused on developing new ideas and product solutions for SMC and BMC in furniture and lighting.
Student teams from all over Europe sent in a large number of project proposals. These were reviewed in detail by the Jury, against the key selection criteria Creativity, End-user functionality, Feasibility in SMC BMC, Market-ability, and Minimum of 4 SMC BMC performance criteria used.
The jury with Henri Magnaud (Chairman, IDI), Matteo Cortesi (GSI), Joachim Froment (Independent Designer), Esther den Houdt (Philips), Andrea Ratti (Milano Polytechnico) and Thomas Wegman (AOC) met in Brussels for selecting the 3 winners of the Award 2017.
The Jury was very happy with the quality of the projects, and the capability of some of the teams to think out-of-the box. While some teams spent a lot of time on the design and manufacture-ability in SMC BMC, others emphasized more the consumer use and marketing aspects.
The three finalist teams are:
® Team 4All
Team 4All (University Antwerp – Belgium): Merlin Bauwens, Sarah De Graaf, Elien Van Steen, Alexandra Vermeir
4All - A combination of bench, bike rack, trash can, info board for outdoor use as street furniture
® Ruben Daniel Silva
Ruben Daniel Silva (ESAD Porto – Portugal)
Cork - an innovative table with ice bucket for leisure use
® Team Kuzo Composter
Kuzo team (University Antwerp – Belgium): Toke Joos, Lana Lambrechts, Ornella Torres Melkebeek
Kuzo Composter – a modular composting bin and planter for kids.
“We would like to broaden the range of applications for these versatile materials”, explains Peter Hilzendegen, SMC BMC Market Segment Manager at AOC. “That is why we invite these young designers to develop new concepts in SMC and BMC. We like to bring together bright designers with experienced component manufacturers and raw material suppliers. This allows using the full expertise in the value chain for creating exciting applications.”
More information on the SMC BMC Design Award can be found here.