Light curing
Light curing
AOC has dedicated the past three decades to the advancement of innovative light-curable resin systems designed specifically for composite applications. These groundbreaking systems have revolutionized the manufacturing process by allowing the creation of durable and resilient components in a swift and dependable manner. Widely recognized for their exceptional processing capabilities and predictable performance, these light-curable resin systems have found extensive commercial use in various CIPP/Relining applications. With their patented technology, AOC is now expanding its global presence, intensifying its commercial efforts to bring this cutting-edge technology to markets worldwide.
For obtaining the right level of cure in composite part manufacturing, the technology of light cure is becoming highly popular. Most important benefits of the light cure technology include the ability to trigger the cure reaction at a specific moment (allowing for easy handling of product intermediate during application without time pressure), high level of cure with great composite properties as a result, and an excellent shelf life of product intermediates. Different light sources are available for resin curing depending on specific end-use requirements (including UV).
Leading Industry Growth
AOC is the leading supplier of light curable formulations for composite applications in Relining and Industrial markets. Supplying a broad range of Atlac® Premium, Beyone™, Palatal® and Synolite™ formulations to this market, we have been able to support industry growth for many years.
Expertise in Development
The efficiency of light curing greatly depends on the ability of the light to penetrate the composite laminate without disturbance and light absorption. AOC has a track record of manufacturing light-curable formulations with a uniform distribution of the light sensitive curing additives. Also, we can support you to optimize both resin formulation and composite laminate build-up for optimized cure. In our R&D Centers we have dedicated equipment available for resin processing and evaluation, helping you to develop new material solutions at high pace.
More Information
For additional information, please feel free to contact us, and we will help you choose the perfect resin solution.