Fatigue resistance
In Wind energy and Transportation applications, composite components are being used for their light weight capability and great shaping flexibility. In order to maintain mechanical strength over time when exposed to multiple load cycles in this type of applications, composite material systems must have an excellent resistance to fatigue. Several Beyone™, Daron® and Synolite™ formulations are offered by AOC with an interesting combination of fatigue resistance, mechanical strength, and processing benefits.
Expertise in Fatigue Resistance
Fatigue resistance is a result of the selection of the right resin and reinforcement type, the design of reinforcement lay-up, the interaction between resin and reinforcement, and part-specific geometries. Over the years AOC has developed great insights in fatigue resistance of components and composite systems, including failure modes, and the influence of resin chemistry and fiber sizing on final performance.
AOC has in-house fatigue testing capabilities that can be deployed to optimize composite system fatigues resistance. We are actively working with key customers to develop next generation material systems. Please contact us for an in-depth discussion reviewing your particular needs and requirements.