AOC Fomulations Used in China's High Speed Trains
In China the High Speed Rail (HSR) network is a vital element of the country’s infrastructure. The HSR trains contain numerous composite components, bringing lightweight, energy efficiency, and passenger protection. AOC is one of the leading resin suppliers for this demanding application.
Over the past decade the High Speed Rail (HSR) network in China has been expanding at high pace. China has now the world’s longest network of high speed trains with over 20,000 km of route in service.
Safe and Comfortable
Travelers inside the high speed train enjoy the experience of fast, safe and comfortable transportation, and typically are not aware of all the technology and unique materials surrounding them. The materials used in this type of application need to fulfil high quality and performance standards. The structure has to be strong and protect the passengers at all times, resisting rough handling and potential impacts. Fire resistant materials are required that generate only limited smoke in an eventual fire situation. [img]
The use of composite materials in high speed train applications brings major benefits. These benefits include strength and stiffness, design freedom (optimized shape for best possible aerodynamics, optimized interior design for passenger wellbeing and easy cleaning), light weight (resulting in energy efficiency and fast train acceleration), and great manufacturing ability in medium-size production series.

Confidence and Trust
Changchun Lu Tong Rail Vehicle Co. Ltd. (CLTR) is one of the leading Chinese manufacturers making train components. The company makes many different parts and modules, including front exterior trims, interior walls and components, spoilers, and integrated sanitary units. “The Quality Formulations of AOC are very well known in our industry,“ explains Li Yan, Chief Technical Division of CLTR. “The resin consistency and the technical support we receive from AOC, help us to make great products with predictable performance. We enjoy a lot working with AOC. Having them as our partner we look to the future with confidence.”
AOC has been a key supplier in China of fire retardant resin systems, used by most important train manufacturers for making train components (certified to relevant standards, including DIN 5510, NFF 16-101, TB 3139, and TB 3237).
“We like to work very closely with our customers during the design, testing and production scale-up phases,” explains Ge Ping, Technical Service Manager of AOC China. “We offer the full solution of base resin, resin mix recipes, and processing support at our customer’s operation. In that way we help to build a long lasting collaboration with the engineers at different train manufacturers.”